Raqs Sharqi
Raqs sharqi is not only the way the Arabic language defines oriental dance: it’s something more, a well defined and recognizable style of this dance and the "classical Egyptian style"
Samia Gamal, “The Barefoot Dancer”
Samia Gamal is considered to be one of the greatest dancers of the Golden Age of Belly dance. He was a unique artist, who influenced the generations of his time.
The “Golden Era” of Belly Dance
The term "golden era" is refer to the period of Egyptian cinema that begins in the first half of the mid-20th century thanks to the matron of modern belly dancing
Almeh and Geisha comparison
For a long time I thought that still today, both oriental dancers and geishas, in the collective imagination of some many people are more or less covertly considered a sort
The charm of Assuit fabrics
Tulle bi Telli, also known as Assuit or Assiut, is one of the most luxurious, exciting and mysterious fabrics worn by dancers since the times of Taheya Carioca and Samia