ATS and Tribal Fusion
The term "Tribal" fully expresses the philosophy of those dances made of communication, feeling and aggregation through body movements; "Fusion" refers to the styles mix from which those dances draw.
Saidi: the stick dance
Saidi is perhaps the most famous oriental folkloric dance: exuberant and powerful, simple and spontaneous, it is probably the most ancient and popular Egyptian style.
Raqs Sharqi
Raqs sharqi is not only the way the Arabic language defines oriental dance: it’s something more, a well defined and recognizable style of this dance and the "classical Egyptian style"
Turkish Delight
Egypt and Turkey have competed for centuries for the primacy of the "birthplace" of oriental dance: the land of Tutankhamun and that of Ataturk offer however quite different versions.
The dark charm of Mata Hari
Known for her dark beauty and sensual performances, Mata Hari breaks the norms of the twentieth century by triumphing as an exotic dancer inspired by oriental dances. She dances naked.
The charm of Assuit fabrics
Tulle bi Telli, also known as Assuit or Assiut, is one of the most luxurious, exciting and mysterious fabrics worn by dancers since the times of Taheya Carioca and Samia